Kids and Mommy

Kids and Mommy

Monday, October 25, 2010

12 Miles, 2 Weeks To Go!

This was a good week for running because I was able to get in all the miles that I was supposed to and felt pretty good.  The miles are decreasing in preparation for the marathon, which is in TWO weeks.  My long run on Saturday was 12 miles and next week it's only 8, yay!  I feel pretty ready to do this, but still a little nervous.  When I ran the 20 miles in Manchester my feet felt fine, but when I did the 12 miles this week here in Hillsborough they really hurt again.  I think that is what I am most worried about.  I don't usually live by this philosophy, but I will probably bring some Ibuprofen so my feet don't hurt so much during the marathon.  I have worked too hard to have my feet stop me!  I'll just give them some special attention after, maybe a nice soak.

My 12 mile long run went pretty well.  I must be a little more fatigued than last week because I was more tired and sore than after the 20 mile run (not horribly bad though), and my feet hurt.  It is getting more chilly out now, which at first I thought was great to get rid of the heat and humidity, but now I'm not so sure I like it.  Once I get running it's nice, but to get motivated to go for a long run is really hard.  When it's cold out I like to hibernate inside where it's warm and cozy.  I am always glad once I get out there, but it is definitely a challenge to get started.  When I went out for the long run it was really windy and I wanted to turn around and go home, but after a mile I was warmed up and was able to enjoy the day...because really it was (haha, again) a beautiful day...just cold.

It isn't even that cold yet, I am just a big wimp when it comes to cold.  I'll complain some more...Now that it is cold it takes forever to go outside with the kids.  Gone are the days of heading outside whenever we felt like it, walking to the beach with hardly anything on.  Now we have to put on layers and socks and shoes and hats etc. just to go outside.  It takes a lot of motivation on my part, since again, I don't like the cold...but I DO like to be outside.  The real bummer is that when we are so bundled up it is hard for Constantine to play using his arms.  It adds a lot of weight to his arms which makes it a lot harder to move them to play, even on his tray.  We are looking into options for clothes that are warm, lightweight, and thin to make it easier to play outside with out getting cold (or getting sick!).

C doing his famous art.  See it at :)
Aurelia gardening
We had a pretty low key weekend just playing staying close to home.  We had a nice visit from Memere and Uncle TJ and did "projects", which C is really into now since we have been going to the library and doing craft projects there.  We made a really cute felt birdhouse with lots of details which C directed and glued.  He is a guy who knows what he wants and luckily good at telling us what that is.  We actually had our meeting with the school this past week to go over results of their testing they did on him to determine his eligibility for pre-school.  Like we sort of expected, he tested above average in his expressive and receptive language.  Little smarty.  He tested average for how he speaks, which is great because SMA can affect how he talks, but right now he is right on target.  Everyone at the school seems really excited to have him and are really going above and beyond getting everything ready for him to fit right in.  It makes me more excited and relaxed to have him go to school knowing that it will be such a great experience with people who really want what is best for him (health wise, socially, and academically).  Only one more month till school!.......
   And TWO weeks till marathon day!!

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