Kids and Mommy

Kids and Mommy

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

15 Miles & Pitcher Mt.

This week started out a little rough for running.  On Tuesday I took Constantine down to Boston Children's for a tube change.  He has to go down every 2-3 months to have his G-J tube replaced so it doesn't get clogged up.  He is such a good sport about being in the car for so long and while we are there he is so brave.  It's pretty uncomfortable to have the tube changed, but we bring Thomas' Hero of the Rails with us and that helps a lot.  On our long car ride we told stories and listened to his FAVORITE song over and over and over.  He loves "Down Down Down" by Jay Sean.  Dom made me a CD for Valentines Day last year and ever since then whenever we are in the car that song is all C wants to hear.  Surprisingly I'm not sick of hearing it, I love to see how much he likes it and watch him sing along.  Now (since we've heard it so much) Aurelia really likes it too and dances when it comes on.

Anyway, when we got back from Boston there was a lot to do (which is actually just my excuse because I was really tired).  I missed my first run of training so far (oh, except for when I was sick), which was only three miles, but I needed the break.  The rest of the week was pretty good and I didn't feel quite so tired.  The mileage is increasing during the week, but it isn't too bad yet.  My body is doing really well though all this running, I just get a general feeling of fatigue with all this lack of sleep (some day I will get sleep and it will be AWESOME).  The weather has been getting cooler too which is great.  I'm glad to be training harder in the fall rather than the summer. 

My long run this week was 15 miles, which I finally did in Keene.  I feel a little like I cheated by doing my long run in Keene.  It was definitely easier than running around Hillsborough.  The marathon is pretty hilly so I am glad that I do most of my training in the hills, but I wanted to take it easy on this run.  Not only is Keene flat, but it is all paved roads, and I know every road very well since I used to run there all the time in high school.  Keene was also a good choice because Dom could take the kids to hang out with family while I ran, which they always love.  It was another great day ( I have been really lucky that every Saturday has been so nice) and my run was awesome.  I felt so good the out there.  It really helps when you know the route. I need to familiarize myself with the marathon route or I am going to be in trouble (although I do know Manchester pretty well).  I was doing great until about mile 13 then it started to get hard, mostly because my feet started to hurt.  I am beginning to think that it was not such a smart idea to take something that I love (running) and take it to the extreme.  I'm hoping that I still like running when this is all over and that it doesn't ruin it for me forever!

He wanted to go up the tower. 
It totally freaked me out but we did it!
At least I'm not usually sore after these runs so we went on a great hike the next day.  I took the kids to meet up with Pepere, Oma, Memere, and Uncle TJ ( my mom, dad, step-mom, and brother) at Pitcher Mt. in Stoddard.  Dom stayed home to watch his favorite team win on opening day. 

We had an awesome time.  My kids are so lucky to have family in their lives and get so excited to spend time with them.  Pitcher Mt. was the perfect place to go for us.  It was a very short hike with such a huge reward.  The views are amazing at the top!  We haven't really gone on any hikes since C's diagnosis that we couldn't bring his chair or the stroller on.  We carried him in the Ergo Baby and he did great.  He had to face toward us which was the only down fall, but it kept his legs in enough so they didn't dangle like in the Baby Bjorn and our hands were free to hold his head from bobbing around (what I was really worried about hiking with him).  This opened up so many opportunities for us in the future. 

He was so excited the whole time, it was great!  Aurelia stayed true to her busy, wild self and was most happy stumbling over the rocks and eating twigs.  She is an explorer with no fear who doesn't like to be told that she can't do something, she definitely makes things interesting! 
And climb all over the rocks

Of course she wanted to go higher!
But she's so cute!

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